Saturday 18 October 2014

Space.NK Buys October 2014

Due to very unfortunate circumstances I haven't been blogging for the last three weeks, I haven't been heavily blogging for even longer as around 6 weeks ago my gran collapsed and then, just over 3 weeks ago, my dad collapsed so I've had a lot on my plate, I still do as I'm back at work and visiting my dad daily in hospital which means getting home from work, waiting half an hour then travelling 40 minutes, 2 hours with dad, then travelling back taking us to just after 9 which leaves a couple of hours to have something to eat, wash, play with Samhain and have a bit of me time. So I have a little bit longer today and wanted to do a quick post. Now for someone that can spend an awful lot of money on make-up I don't think it's important, beauty is only skin deep, my main love is old films (I say old because most new films leave me cold, I must only watch around 5% of new stuff and only like a small percentage of them). I could, however, get myself into some serious debt at Space.NK.

Now I did have £10 worth of reward points to use, I don't really need an excuse to pick something up from Space.NK but having a bit of money off helps so I decided to pick up a couple of pieces online (it's easier to restrict myself when the items aren't right in front of me).

Now the first item I bought covered both my make-up love and film love, The Liptropolis Set (£40) takes its name from one of my favourite films, Fritz Lang's Metropolis - absolutely spectacular just like this set. I'm head over heels in love with Lipstick Queen lipsticks, so I'm fully happy to pay £20+ per lipstick so three full sized for £40 is an absolute bargain in my eyes. This had been on my Christmas wish list last year (along with hundreds of other items!), needless to say I didn't receive it but was planning to add it to my list this year, I just couldn't wait. I'm so glad I picked it up, it's a perfect gift for Christmas, even if you do get it for yourself like I did!

Secondly I picked up And God Created The Woman NARS travel eye palette (£35.00), I do believe cheaper eyeshadow is just as good as more expensive brands but after using NARS Nepal day in, day out for the last couple of months I just wanted to expand my NARS collection. Their longevity really makes them worthwhile but with so many shades to choose from I wanted to pick up a palette and this one, exclusive to Space.NK, was full of the daytime to night-time shades I wanted. The palette includes six small eyeshadows along with a wide contour eyeshadow brush and a mini smudgeproof eyeshadow base. Yet another perfect Christmas gift, greedily both for myself this time.

I will review these properly at a later date once things improve but for now I'm just showing off my shopping.

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