Friday 30 January 2015

Snow with Flu = Grumpy Sharon

This isn't the usual post at all, it's more of a temporary post until I'm better. It's just flu but I ache all over so I have a bad attitude. I'm typing this Thursday night as I will be working Friday although fortunately I had already arranged to work from home for two days as we're waiting on a home visit from dad, not on his own but with social services and hospital staff just to see if he would be able to return home. Instead of no post I thought I should at least post photos of the glorious snow, I really do love snow. Plus I of course have to include one, or two of my beautiful, snow loving cat Samhain.

Beautiful midday snow scene

Still coming down
and getting heavier

Snow covered trees and hedges

Sprinkled with snow and marking his territory

Making a dash for it out of the kitchen door....he simply sat under the car for ten minutes before returning

Scene from the back door, you can now double the amount of snow


  1. super gorgeous winter view
    Keep in touch

  2. Super cute, love the sight of snow we dont experience such here in Nairobi but it sure looks amazing.Get well soon dear.

    1. It really looks be beautiful. Thank you, I'm really hoping I'm over the worst of it tomorrow. Xx

  3. Get better soon!!! I know how rough it is to have the flu i had it, thats why you have not gotten an e-mail from me. hope you get better. and we will catch up sometime.

    1. Thanks, I feel so rotten with it, the cough is irritating but at least I don't have a runny nose, but I'm so tired. xx

    2. i spent so many days in bed. watched the rest of Little House series in a matter of a week. on my days off from work i was in bed. felt okay i guess but my body just wanted to be in bed. went to the doctor last week got some meds but 3 out of the 4 meds gave me some side effects bad hiccups, messed up my sleeping habits (thats still going on) so i stopped 2 of those meds, but good luck! feel better. try to move around the house as much as you can. well feel better!!!
