Sunday 8 February 2015

Weekly Weigh-in: Still ill!

Well I have had a rubbish week. I'm not down on myself about it, I've been off my food as well so it's not like I've been scoffing, I've possibly actually lost quite a bit of weight from being ill but that doesn't count.

I'm going to keep it short, now I was just full of flu this week, it was actually awful. I was in so much pain and so tired, I could have sworn my eyes were twice the size at one point. All this lying around did however lead me to finding another lump.

Now I didn't find my original kidney tumour, I went to the doctors back in early 2012 as I was having dizzy spells. Various tests and they discovered cysts on my ovaries and a tumour in my kidney. Now the cysts on my ovaries should have been discovered before, if I'd been a bit more keen to get things sorted at the doctors. In my early twenties I'd had some tests that suggested I produced more testosterone than I should so PCOS was always on the cards. The tumour came out of nowhere and was thankfully not cancerous but reaching around 6.5cm it was a dangerous size and I had it embolised. It shrank but not that much so I ended up having it removed along with half my kidney back in 2013. It's been a tiring few years but I've been starting to feel better and it was after the embolisation that I started to lose weight.

Now this lump is in my back, at around 4cm it is considered to be possibly risky so I'm now awaiting some tests. If I do have further medical intervention that leads to being bed-bound at least that means I can watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer repeatedly, again, although I've already started to do so as I'm a bit obsessed, it always makes me feel better.

Pretty weak but at least I know my general step count for letting Samhain in and out and making brews

This isn't going to stop me for now, this week flu has stopped me from being active but, although I still have a nasty cough, I will be back at work tomorrow and trying to get my 10,000 steps in. Food will be logged and hopefully by the end of next week I'll have a happy, positive update full of exercise and yummy food!


  1. Oh no, sorry to hear you've been feeling lousy and sorry to hear about your lump - hope you get some reassuring news and that you start to feel better soon.Oh and incidentally, I think the weight loss while you're ill most definitely does count - every cloud has a silver lining and all that ! ;-) xxx

    1. Thanks Cheryl, hopefully I can keep some of it off this week or even lose some more! xx

  2. I hope you start to feel better soon and i hate to hear that your lump is coming back. I also hope that you get some reassuring news about that. Sorry we have not kept in touch much. check my LJ i have updated it a lot lately. Feel better and enjoy Buffy in bed!

    1. Thanks Sean. It's a new lump, the old was completely taken out, it could also be a completely different type of lump but I'm hopeful it's something none serious and just an annoyance instead! x
